Fragrance of pine forests as if to welcome, for any visitors who wish to pamper themselves in the waters of Mount Pancar hot water, Nature Park in the Village of Karang Tengah, Babakan Madang district, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. This hot water bath opened to the public, and can be reached from Jakarta about 1 hour. Past the toll motorway towards Sentul Babakan Madang Village and Village Middle Reef. The road condition is pretty good, easier for visitors to the site and conveniently. Along the road to Mount Pancar eyes will be spoiled with the natural scenery around the mountains. Boulders decorate the edge path to the location, occasionally seen the blue-collar workers who were split and raised stone.

Usually the stone will be used as a house or building foundation. Grinding stone is the livelihood of residents around Mount Pancar. By paying the entrance fee of Rp 20,000 / person for adults and Rp 10,000 for the children / people you are biased to enjoy the natural hot spring facility and its features, natural features of Mount Pancar water is water that is used contains active minerals, a good for blood circulation, remove toxins or toxins and excess fat from the body through sweat, helps normalize nerve. Uniquely hot water does not contain sulfur and brimstone, no smell and looks clear.

The hot water is channeled directly through the pipe to the swimming baths. There are several kinds of options for room hot tubs, the family pool, a pool for women, men’s swimming and shallow pool for children. There are a few tips to soak. For the first time, do not directly immerse the whole body, input gradually. Starting from the big toe, let the body adapt to water temperature, continue with the palms, calves, thighs, abdomen and chest. If you are not strong with the hot water temperature, do not be resisted. Stages are useful to adjust the water temperature, and eventually you will get used. To start should not soak more than 10 minutes. Usually when more than that, the head will feel dizzy, because the body ’shocked’ to receive the temperature suddenly become hot. Exit the pool and feel the blood flow that was flowing fast, the sweat would come out more, and the skin will appear red,

After such adjustments you may continue to soak, until the time limit you want. Trip to Mount Pancar can become an attractive option to visit. It is suitable for off fatigue and saturation of the activity of big cities like Jakarta. Here we can enjoy the tranquility and the fresh scent of natural pine forest aroma typical of Mount Pancar.
sumber : amazing indonesia.net
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